Michael Ball
LaGrange, North Carolina | michaelballministries@yahoo.com
Michael Ball presently serves as a State Evangelist in Eastern North Carolina. He began his journey as a full-time evangelist in 2011 after several years as Minister of Music. Having been raised in a pastor’s home, ministry has been his life.
This evangelist has garnered the respect of his peers in Eastern North Carolina having been elected to serve on the State Council of that region. Before this honor, he served terms on, both, the USA Missions Board and the State Youth Board. His stellar reputation has opened many doors for his ministry throughout the country as well as in ENC.
“I cannot go to a revival and just preach my red-hots. I have to have a Word from the Lord to pierce the hearts of the people for them to pray and turn back to God.”
When asked why he continues in this ministry of an evangelist, Michael without hesitation says, “It’s my calling. At this season of my life, this is where God has placed me. There is a passion inside of me – a drive that won’t let me stop. It gets wearisome at times. The body and mind take a toll – it’s hard being away from my family. But, this is what God has called me to do. At this juncture in my life, if I did anything else I would be out of the will of God.”
Michael is seeing revival in the churches he serves. “I’m seeing some of the most incredible revivals I’ve seen in years during the beginning of 2019. It seems like a transitioning is taking place. Something is taking place in the people of God and they are more hungry.”
Being convinced the evangelist is vital to revival today comes from a revelation Michael received during a season of prayer and preparation for 2019. “While I was praying one day, the Spirit began to deal with my heart. I felt drawn to the Old Testament and began to read from the Prophets. One factor became very real to me – I noticed revival did not begin with corporate prayer of the people – revival began with a Word from the Lord. Every Prophet was sent with a message to the people. It wasn’t until the Prophet preached a Word from God that the people began to pray.”
“I cannot go to a revival and just preach my red-hots. I have to have a Word from the Lord to pierce the hearts of the people for them to pray and turn back to God.”
When asked what God is saying to him today, Michael simply said, “God is calling us back to him. Just like the church at Ephesus, many have left their first love. I feel we are being called back to a place of humility and contrition. As this happens, God will begin to move mightily again among us.”
Michael Ball is available for revival throughout the Church of God. He can be reached through the contact information noted above.