Jacqueline (Jacqui) Smith
Cleveland, Tennessee | prophetessjacq@aol.com
Jacqueline Smith serves as a National Evangelist for the Church of God. During the 41 years she has served as an evangelist, her ministry has taken her across the country and around the world. She is the epitome of a woman of God who has given herself totally to the call of God.
“A lot of things have changed from the time I started. In my earlier years, revivals would start for one week and people would be getting saved and filled with the Holy Spirit – we would go for another week. I have run revivals up to three weeks but that has all changed. Today, many pastors feel if they are having good services there is no need for revival. But, revivals are different. Even though the pastor and evangelist may preach the same message, it comes in a completely different way from an evangelist/revivalist.”
“The Lord made it so plain and clear to me by saying you will always know this is what I called you to do.”
When many veteran evangelists are slowing down, Jacqui still keeps a full schedule and remains very active. “This is what God has called me to do. When He called me, He was very specific. The Lord made it so plain and clear to me by saying you will always know this is what I called you to do. I always have a date night with the Lord every night at 10:00 and in one encounter when I walked into my room I went flat on the floor. The Lord showed it all to me about preaching; about being single; never marrying; never having children; and that He was asking me to do this for the ministry’s sake and to break racial and cultural barriers. And that is why I am still doing this at 75 years of age. People ask me all the time when will I retire and I always answer them the same way, He will let me know when He is finished.”
It’s refreshing to watch Sister Smith’s intentionality in reaching out to a younger generation. “This is how I explain it. Elizabeth and Mary were pregnant at the same time. They were, both, productive and fruitful at the same time. I consider myself the Elizabeth and the younger evangelist is Mary. We need to do this together; we need each other. I owe it to the younger generation to hang in there. We can be fruitful and productive at the same time.”
This veteran evangelist understands the relationship between the evangelist and pastor as well as anyone. “I would point out in all of our ministries we should be doing it for three reasons: for the glory of God; to edify the church and to evangelize the sinner. If we are doing what we are doing for any other reason, then we are hindering what the move of God wants to do. It’s very simple but it is also difficult. It’s not about you. It’s not about me. It’s not about your title. I’ve even told women that as much as I would like to see a change in the church for women, I’ve never been stopped from doing anything God has called me to do. Let’s respect the ministry gifts; the races and the generations. Let’s get rid of everything that is holding us back. Let’s just get back to serving God and deepening our relationship with Him.”
Jacqueline Smith has been preaching revivals for a long time but she shows no sign of stopping now. The fire burns and the ministry is still producing fruit. She is available for revivals throughout the Church of God. She can be reached through the contact information above.